Click on image for Specification's

Main Transceiver:
Yaesu FT-1000MP

Main Features : Dual receive with separate signal meters, 1 per vfo. Enhanced digital signal processing (EDSP). Receiver quad conversion super heterodyne with Collins mechanical filters. Extensive menu system.
My FT-1000MP Audio Settings




Adonis AM 308

Wide-band Electret




Yaesu SP 8


Backup / Portable Transceiver: iCOM iC-706MKIIG-DSP

Main Features : Ultra compact HF/6 meter/2 meter/440MHz transceiver. Built-in DSP. The perfect rig for base OR mobile operations!.
 This proven performer is the 3rd radio in iCOM's  revolutionary 706 series. Click on the small image for more info.



iCOM HM-103




Switch Mode PSU

Samlex 1223





Linear Amp UK Explorer 1200
 2 x 3/500Z Triodes




Rotator ::
Yaesu G-800SDX

Wind Load - 17 Sq. Ft.
K-Factor - 1,299 Ft.-Lbs.
Stationary Torque - 288 Ft.-Lbs.
Rotation Torque - 43-79 Ft.-Lbs.
Max. Vert. Load - 440 Lbs.
Max. Vert. Load - 1,320Lbs.



Antenna :

Recently upgraded to another 5 Element Yagi.

Click here for various photo's and info's

17 mtr Telescopic
Tilt Over Tower


Click on the antenna image below